Набавка и инсталација електране за соларну енергију

Набавка и инсталација електране за соларну енергију за пројекат „Озелењивање градова - Развој и промоција енергетске ефикасности и одрживог урбаног окружења у градовима прекограничне регије Хрватска-Србија“(енглеска верзија)
Gradska kuća, Novi Sad  Foto:dnevnik.rs/A. Erski
Фото: Dnevnik.rs

Contract title: Procurement and installation of solar energy plant for project “Greening the cities – Development and promotion of energy efficiency and sustainable urban environment in the cities of Croatia-Serbia cross-border region”

Publication reference: HR-RS290 – IPA PP3 – TD04           

The City of Novi Sad, City Administration for Property and Property-Rights Affairs intends to award a supply contract for procurement and installation of solar energy plant for project “Greening the cities – Development and promotion of energy efficiency and sustainable urban environment in the cities of Croatia-Serbia cross-border region” in Novi Sad with financial assistance from the Interreg – IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme Croatia-Serbia. The tender dossier is available and published on the City of Novi Sad website: http://www.novisad.rs/docs-gu-all.

The deadline for submission of tenders is 19/06/2020 at 13:00 local time. Possible additional information or clarifications/questions shall be published on the City of Novi Sad website: http://www.novisad.rs/docs-gu-all..

EUR/RSD 117.1527
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